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Traditions are very important in our lives. Our various ceremonies act as landmarks that proclaim the important passages from one stage in our life to another.

I believe these passages are important to the overall health and happiness of those they serve.

As a spiritual minister, I use many familiar symbols to enhance my ceremonies.

In order that prospective clients and freinds understand the significance of these symbols I have decided to outline their importance here.

The use of a candle represents the immortal light of the spirit, the moral flame and the light of spiritual truth.

The use of music is to help soothe the mind and awaken spiritual senses.

Meditation is used for focus and clarity to facilitate centered beingness.

Communion wafers have several symbolic meanings.

The use of communion in a spiritual marriage ceremony is indicative of the sacred communion of the partnership.

For absolution, the communion symbolizes forgiveness and cleansing

For general purpose, the communion wafer symbolizes the receiving of the spirit of peace.

My goal is to keep the time honored ceremonies and traditions sacred, and to present these symbols in a spiritual, rather than a religious, light.

Due to the nature of spiritual living which is an energy practice,
all symbols and ceremonies are conducted as as celebrations of spiritual excellenfce and a oneness with the Divine.