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One on one individual counseling begins with deep breathing and relaxation.

My first objective is to get you in the zone of possibilities; the inner state of peace and tranquility.

If we are successful with this first step we will be able to move along to step two, if not we work on breathing and relaxation to help you clear negative channels and get control of the stress in your mind and body.

This may take up an entire session, it may take two or three sessions. It all depends on where you are at the time of your first initial appointment.

Typically, individual counseling is out lined as follows:

1. Deep breathing and relaxation
2. Identifying where you've been/where you are/where you are going
3. De-programming negative patterns through conscious awareness
4. Identifying and Isolating the mental saboteurs that lower your self esteem and destroy your confidence
5. Harnessing universal potentiality
6. Empowerment through the human spirit
7. Strategies to keep you focused and on track
8. Surrendering to spirit
9. Preparing for your arrival
10. Navigating the course

Please note that each step is covered on a per visit basis. Spiritual Therapy is not a quick fix. This is an intensive program requiring dedication and attention. Your attendance is mandantory for your success.

I am successful in a number of areas:

Polarity Shifting, Energy Transformation, Deprogramming Negative Thought Patterns, The Law Of Attraction and Manifesting Your Destiny, Utilizing Visual Techniques for success and healing, NLP Training and Conflict Meditation.

Suggested Donation for spiritual counseling/spiritual quantum phisics training services is $ 50 per hour, unless part of a celebration package.

World Family Ministries
Spiritual Living Center